5 Uncommon Strategies for Overcoming Creative Blocks

Minette Riordan
2 min readMar 30, 2021

The usual strategies for overcoming creative blocks include things like take a shower, go outside, do something different. These are all great advice, but I have some different ideas that will create lasting transformation rather than a quick solution.

If you want a quick fix, try one of the strategies above.

If you want to permanently open and expand your creative flow, try this 5-step practice instead.

I use this process whether I am stuck with where to go next in a painting or unsure what to do next in my business:

  1. Beginner’s mind is essential to success. Stop trying to make it perfect on your first try. It’s important to approach each new idea, project, canvas or book with beginner’s mine. This keeps you fresh, keeps you in curiosity rather than judgment or thinking you know it all already.
  2. Get clear about what you want most. It’s not always the thing you are working on currently. Sometimes we get stuck because we are working something that we think we should be doing or we cling to an idea we had that didn’t quite work out.
  3. Be willing to let go of your idea or project. Most of us hold on way too long to ideas or projects thinking we can fix them if we just hang in there long enough. Talk about pain and drudgery! I did this with my first business and held on way too long. This cost me time, money and heartache.
  4. At the same time, be willing to work through the rough spots! There is an art to knowing when to keep going and when to give in and move on. This is a balancing act and one of the places where I often offer the most support and insights to my clients.
  5. Ask for help. Too often we waste time, energy and money sitting at home spinning our wheels because we think we can figure it out (see number one, beginner’s mind) or we don’t want to ask for support for a variety of reasons, we think we can’t afford it or we are embarrassed or ashamed. There is no shame in getting help. You don’t know what you don’t know. Life is too fleeting to waste being stuck or stubborn. I learned this one the hard way!

If you have been feeling blocked, stuck or apathetic about your creativity recently and you are willing to ask for help, I am here for you! You can schedule a complimentary Breakthrough to Creative Courage session here.

Or you can keep going it alone. Use these tips. Print them out. The choice is yours. I believe in you no matter what. You can do this!



Minette Riordan

Award-winning entrepreneur, speaker & best-selling author. She is passionate about helping others own their artistry and embrace their creative genius.